
Death From Heaven Skies - Oil Painting, technique, comments by Zaki Saati

This last oil painting I completed, had a bit of a different technique that was used. Not using any medium or linseed oil this time, just pure oil paint of the tube.

I primed the fiberboard with gesso and did not use an oil paint layer in the priming. It allowed the surface to be smoother and made it easy to work without a medium.

So I just sketched the drawing on the gesso acrylic layer, then proceeded to outline with a dark brown oil color the contours. After that, I went ahead with the painting process.


The idea came to me from doing an automatic drawing, where I let my hand do some vague abstract outlines with a pencil. Once something appeared that I liked, I put some more definition to the sketch and the the frozen corpse emerged in the sketch, with the mountain.

I also got some new small square brushes, which were used for most of the painting. For the later stages, some thin round brushes were used. It’s amazing sometimes what some new tools can allow you to do, before I would just use the same old brush and the painting process was always a bit more slow. So I will be more mindful of the brushes and the state that they are in.